Clinics We Offer

Antenatal Care
We offer antenatal care in co-operation with the community midwife and the local maternity hospital. At your initial consultation the doctor will decide with you if your care is to be community based or shared care with the consultant at the maternity hospital.
Childhood Health
At the main surgery the nurses hold a weekly clinic for routine childhood immunisation between 10:00 and 11:00 on a Wednesday morning. If your child is registered at the branch surgery please make a routine appointment with the nurse. All of the doctors carry out six week and eight month developmental checks.
The Practice follows the Public Health England immunisation schedule. Children that have been following another country's vaccination programme will be offered vaccines that are recommended for use in Britain.
We do not advise delaying vaccines or giving them at times other than recommended. Parents wishing to do so should discuss this with their GP.

Chronic Disease Management
On-going treatment and advice is available to patients with heart disease, hypertension, asthma and chronic obstructive airways disease (COPD) and diabetes. We will check our registers and recall those patients who have not been seen for regular check-ups.
Patients Aged 16 - 75 Years Old
Patients in this group who have not been seen for a consultation or in a clinic in the preceding three years may request a consultation for a health check.
Patients Aged 75 Years Or Over
Patients in this group may request a consultation if they have not been seen in the previous 12 months and this consultation may, in the reasonable opinion of the doctor, take place in the patient’s home if it would be inappropriate as a result of the patient’s medical condition for him/her to attend the surgery premises.
Smoking Cessation
Stop smoking advice will be offered to all smokers in conjunction with CAMQUIT the local smoking cessation service. For more information, visit their website: